Hybrid/Online Course Resources

The benefits of classes blending online and in-person elements have higher education administrators considering their benefits during — and well after — catastrophic weather events. As NWC continues to grow online adult programs, these need to be considered. Lieberman, M. (2017). Saved by a Hybrid. Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved from https://www.insidehighered.com/digital-learning/article/2017/09/20/hybrid-courses-offer-quick-fix-disaster-scenarios-overall

Adult Learner Resources

Many college instructors think of their undergraduate students as adults and treat them as such. In this teaching guide, the terms adult students and adult learners refer to undergraduates who fall outside of the typical 18-24 age range, or who have life experiences and responsibilities beyond those typically expected of a college student. Understanding some […]

Adult Learner Resources

This publication covers many topics: Characteristics of adult learners; 4 principles for teaching adults; and questions for inviting participation. Regents of the University of Minnesota (2015). Adults as Learners: Effective Teaching Strategies: [Workforce Solutions Conference]. University of Minnesota. Retrieved from https://www.leadingagemn.org/assets/docs/15_Workforce_103_CreatingEffectiveOrientationPrograms-CRasmussen.pdf

Adult Learner Resources

This article outlines these six strategies; keep it relevant, remember student backgrounds, integrate emotion into lessons, encourage exploration, make assignments convenient and always offer feedback. Understanding how to teach adults will help with attrition and student success. Duverge. G. (2016). 6 Effective Strategies for Teaching Adults. Point Park University/Online. Retrieved from https://online.pointpark.edu/education/strategies-for-teaching-adults/

Adult Learner Resources

Innovative methods in teaching should be used in every college classroom to enhance student engagement, support any teaching environment and encourage inquiry among learners. Adults learn best by participation in relevant experiences and utilization of practical information. When adult students are active in their learning they are able to develop critical thinking skills, receive social […]

Collaboration with community colleges for transfer students.

Students don’t continue on when transfer credits “lost.” When credits are lost, students often take on more debt and spend more time retaking courses. They may use up the federal loans they’re eligible for or just get discouraged and drop out. That’s one reason that while 80 percent of students attending community colleges say they’d […]

Collaboration with community colleges for transfer students.

Collaboration between community colleges and 4-year institutions. Suggestions include; shared faculty and educational space, two-plus-two agreements, 2-year degree students are a “good risk” because they already know how to study, special scholarship for transfer students, create specific degrees for community college campuses that aren’t offered at the main campus (including computing and technical degrees), service-learning […]

Transfer Student Enrollment

Burack, C., Lanspery, S., Piñeros Shields, T., & Singleton. S. (2019). Partnerships That Promote Success: Lessons and Findings from the Evaluation of the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation’s Community College Transfer Initiative. Jack Kent Cooke Foundation. Retrieved from  https://www.jkcf.org/research/partnerships-that-promote-success-lessons-and-findings-from-the-evaluation-of-the-jack-kent-cooke-foundations-community-college-transfer-initiative/