Skill-based learning

To many people, vocational education has often meant learning a trade, but a more profound and important meaning of the term has been coming back into use. Cunningham, D.S. (2019). What college students need most. Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved from

Small College Issues

Small-college presidents gathered at annual conference work to adapt to a changing market even as they worry about a range of student issues. Steltzer, R. (2019). Small colleges grapple with ‘culture of insecurity’. Inside Higher Ed.  Retrieved from

Hybrid/Online Course Resources

As the demand for online education increases, schools are responding by offering new degree programs every year. The online education space has grown rapidly in recent years, and the variety of programmatic options available can be overwhelming to prospective students. The third annual Online Education Trends report provides the latest look at online learner demographics, […]

Hybrid/Online Course Resources

This report outlines distance education trends across the US for 2018. Online enrollments have grown nationally for the fourteenth straight year, specifically for public and not-for-profit institutions. Seaman, J.E., Allen, I.E., & Seaman, J. (2018). Grade increase: Tracking distance education in the United States. [Annual Report]. Retrieved from

Hybrid/Online Course Resources

Some colleges are paying instructors to learn to teach online, and offering others incentives — such as priority scheduling — for those teaching hybrid courses. Lieberman, M. (2017). Shocker: Professors like to be Paid. Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved from

Hybrid/Online Course Resources

The benefits of classes blending online and in-person elements have higher education administrators considering their benefits during — and well after — catastrophic weather events. As NWC continues to grow online adult programs, these need to be considered. Lieberman, M. (2017). Saved by a Hybrid. Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved from

Adult Learner Resources

Many college instructors think of their undergraduate students as adults and treat them as such. In this teaching guide, the terms adult students and adult learners refer to undergraduates who fall outside of the typical 18-24 age range, or who have life experiences and responsibilities beyond those typically expected of a college student. Understanding some […]

Adult Learner Resources

This publication covers many topics: Characteristics of adult learners; 4 principles for teaching adults; and questions for inviting participation. Regents of the University of Minnesota (2015). Adults as Learners: Effective Teaching Strategies: [Workforce Solutions Conference]. University of Minnesota. Retrieved from

Adult Learner Resources

This article outlines these six strategies; keep it relevant, remember student backgrounds, integrate emotion into lessons, encourage exploration, make assignments convenient and always offer feedback. Understanding how to teach adults will help with attrition and student success. Duverge. G. (2016). 6 Effective Strategies for Teaching Adults. Point Park University/Online. Retrieved from